The Office of Special Programs - College Prep provides a strong foundation for students navigating the college admissions process by equipping students with the tools they need to succeed. Julio Ramirez reflects on the growth he’s experienced with help from the Office of Special Programs and how it has turned him into a more confident student.
The Office of Special Programs equips students with useful knowledge for their entire academic careers and Julio has seen this and taken advantage of it. Julio’s father pointed out that Julio is more knowledgeable about scholarship searching and the college admissions process compared to his older brother, a first-year in college. Julio is able to offer support and advice to his brother thanks to the information that the Office of Special Programs has helped make available to Julio.
“Even as a younger brother, Julio is more well-versed when it comes to navigating the application system.” - Julio’s Father
Julio and his parents have both noticed that he is more confident about his future and interests. With help from the Office of Special Programs, he has been able to experience computer science research first-hand through a summer internship in which he worked on a paper about the morality and ethics of intelligent technology. This internship, which resulted in their paper being accepted to a conference solidified his interest in pursuing a S.T.E.M. education and career.
Julio’s parents believe the programs that the Office of Special Programs offers should be a necessary class in schools to prepare students for college. Because of the Office of Special Programs, Julio has developed more compared to other kids his age and is very eager to learn.
“The Office of Special Programs is very individualized and committed to their students. Many people don’t know about this great program but I think these programs should be required. More parents should know about the Office of Special Programs.” - Julio’s Mother