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Collegiate Scholars Program



The University of Chicago Collegiate Scholars Program (CSP) is a free, three-year enrichment program that prepares talented Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students from diverse backgrounds for admission and success at highly selective colleges. CSP was established in 2003 after the UChicago Consortium on School Research found that highly qualified CPS high school students were underreaching in their college applications.

The year-round program provides students with the opportunity to become immersed in a highly selective college environment.

  • CSP is shaped around a core curriculum of humanities, social science, math, and science courses.
  • During the summer months, scholars are taught by University of Chicago faculty and PhD students.
  • Enrichment activities during the academic year are geared toward college readiness, leadership development, civic engagement, and cultural exploration.

Throughout their three years with CSP, students build confidence by taking courses from University faculty, being on UChicago’s campus, and learning to do research in a variety of disciplines, which helps them understand they can succeed anywhere.

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CSP Class

Who We Serve

A diverse group of approximately 150 exceptional 10th to 12th grade Chicago public school high school students from across the city who are academically strong; eager to be exposed to new ideas and experiences; enjoy working with others, and are involved in their schools and communities.

Priority given to low-income or first-generation college students.



The Collegiate Scholars Programs accepts applications between November and mid-February.  The application period closed on February 14, 2025.  Please check back in Fall 2025 for details on the next application period.  If you have questions, please email the Collegiate Scholars Program at uccsp@uchicago.edu or contact our office at (773) 834-2774.